Home > Acne Treatment Post Op Care Instructions
Acne Scars mostly occur in 95% population caused by bacteria Acne Vulgaris which sometimes become difficult to treat. Several inflamed lesions can leave the permanent scars but with the advancements in the dermatology, it is now possible to treat the acne scars. Several treatment options are available to treat acne scars but the treatment will be proven effective only when you will take care of the post op instructions after acne treatment, suggested by the dermatologist. Post op care instructions after acne treatment will depend upon the type of the treatment according to your skin type. Following are the points which you have to take care of after your acne scar treatment.
Post Op Care after Laser Acne Treatment
Laser acne scar removal treatment is for all patients who have superficial or deep rolling scars. In the treatment, different types of lasers are used to treat acne scars. During the treatment, skin cells have to undergo various steps including the melting of the damaged tissue scar, stimulation of new collagen and tightening of the skin through high intensity of lasers. Skin becomes more sensitive after the treatment so you have to take proper care after your laser acne scar treatment. To avoid the adverse effects or side effects after laser acne scar treatment like redness, swelling, hyper-pigmentation
Follow these instructions, post op care
Post Op Care after Facial Resurfacing
Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion for acne scar removal are the facial resurfacing techniques that mechanically ablate the damaged skin to promote re-epithelialisation.
Again skin has to undergo physical abrasion in both treatment but with the different techniques. After the treatment, there is often a pin point bleeding of raw wound that often subsides with the proper wound care. Along with it, you may also experience skin discoloration, blotchiness etc. To avoid this,
Instructions to follow;
Post Op Care after Subcision Acne Scar Treatment
In the subcision treatment for acne scars, a blunt needle is inserted below the area of the scar with the movement of back and forth just to break the strands of fibrous tissues that form the scar and pull it down. The blood vessels are disrupted during the process. Over the time, connective tissues and collagen regeneration takes place which elevates the scar.Skin will undergo the mechanical disruption of epidermal and dermal layer; you may experience pain, tenderness, infection and post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation etc. To avoid these side effects
Follow these post op instructions after subcision acne scar treatment
Post Op Care after Chemical Peels for Acne Scar
A chemical peel is used to reveal the smooth, revitalized and regenerate the skin cells. During this process, a controlled destruction of the outer layer of skin is performed which eliminates the dead skin cells and other skin irregularities. Redness, dryness and flaky patches of skin are the unfortunate side effects which you can experience but these will fade away if you will follow the
Post Op Care after Fillers for Acne Scar Treatment
Fillers or dermal fillers for acne scar offer an important non-surgical technique to correct the acne scars with improved skin texture. These fillers are used to treat the deep, rolling acne scars. These fillers work by lifting the skin.
Post Op Care after Tissue Augmenting Agents for Acne Scar Treatment
There are many tissue augmentation agents used for acne scars such as bovine collagen, alloderm, hyaluronic acid, silicon but among all of them, hyaluronic acid is recommended by the dermatologists. Hyaluronic acid can be injected into the mid to superficial dermal layer of the skin and increases the collagen production. There are few things which you need to take care after the
If you still feel any severe infection and discomfort, rush to the doctor immediately. Your doctor will suggest you the treatment accordingly. However, if you get your treatment done from an experienced doctor, then there are minimal to no chances of the side effects and you have to follow the less post op care instructions. Experienced dermatologists always find the great professional satisfaction in being able to effectively treat the acne scars and also that were previously considered untreatable.