
FUE Hair Transplant

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FUE Hair Transplant in India

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a popular and advanced method of hair transplantation that offers a natural-looking solution for patient suffering from hair loss or baldness. This technique involves the extraction of hair follicles from the donor area, typically the back of the scalp, and their implantation into the balding or thinning areas. There is minimal bleeding and wastage with barely any post-operative discomfort.

If you are planning your hair transplant in India, AK Clinics is one of the best choices available. At our clinic, you’ll find world-renowned hair transplant experts who will evaluate your hair loss with precision and guide you in choosing the right procedure. We focus on the latest techniques and innovations in hair restoration, which allows us to offer customized solutions tailored to each individual’s needs. With our commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction, AK Clinics is dedicated to helping you regain your confidence and achieve the hair you’ve always desired.

Indications for FUE Hair Transplant are;

  • Individuals with androgenetic alopecia
  • Females experiencing diffuse hair thinning or hairline recession
  • In order to restore or enhance eyebrow
  • Men looking to thicken their beards or mustaches
  • Scars from injuries or previous surgeries on the scalp
  • Hairline Re-design

What is FUE Hair Transplant?

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a process in which, the surgeon will use a micro-punch device that allows them to take out individual hair follicle unit. This will be done from the pre-marked donor area and the punch makes a superficial incision around the follicular unit. An experienced surgeon will be able to control the depth of each incision, allowing them to loosen the follicles just enough to remove them. One of the main reasons that FUE has shown immense success is that this process guarantees great graft quality since each graft is extracted under proper magnification.

Types of FUE Hair Transplant

When considering a hair transplant in India, FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is one of the most preferred techniques when compared to FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) for natural results without visible scarring. FUE has a shorter recovery time and minimal discomfort. However, it’s important to note that there are various types of FUE procedures with their advantages and disadvantages .

It is important to know which technique best suits your needs during consultation with your hair transplant surgeon. Below are some of the main types of FUE hair transplant procedures;


It is an advanced method of performing FUE where the microsurgical instruments are used for extraction and slit-making under proper magnification. The motorised punch with a diameter less than 0.9mm is used for taking out micrografts which have 1, 2 or 3 hairs along with minimum amount of skin. This technique makes the results aesthetically promising and the scalp heals in 2-3 days.


Undetected/Unshaven FUE is another advanced technique where the hair transplant is performed without cutting the hair in the recipient area. It is most suitable for patients who do not want to cut their hair short, want to keep it discreet and in females as they are not comfortable with the idea of shaving their head. It allows the person to get back to his routine work within 2-3 days. It requires extremely advanced surgeon skill and is generally more expensive than other conventional methods.


It is a patient-oriented customised plan wherein the instruments used for making slits, taking out and placing grafts are chosen according to the patient’s graft length and thickness. It also includes a biotherapy where platelet-rich plasma is obtained from patient’s blood and is used to replenish the transplanted grafts after the surgery. This has scientifically proven to improve graft viability and quality. Hair transplant at AK Clinics is done using our trademarked Bio-FUETM technique which offers excellent results.


Robotic FUE, also known as ARTAS, is a FDA approved robotic hair restoration system where the surgeon-assisted robot is used to remove the grafts from the donor area, design the slits in recipient area according to the thinning areas and then the grafts can be implanted manually or robotically. It is known to have extraction speed of upto 1000 grafts per hour, thus increasing productivity and efficiency. The automated technique helps in preventing any damage to pre-existing hair. It is a costly procedure and still needs to be more standardised.

Eligibility criteria for FUE Hair Transplant

Who is the Ideal Candidate for FUE Hair Transplant?

Although the FUE hair transplant surgery might sound like a dream procedure, there are criteria that need to be met before you can get the same done.

  • Perhaps the best candidates for an FUE procedure are those who are experiencing immense hair loss on the top part of their head or are more troubled by the receding hairline near the temples.
  • It is also important that the candidate have thick and good quality hair at the back of their head, ensuring a proper donor area and better density.
  • Hair loss should have ideally stabilised and while age is not a real factor, most people tend to wait till they enter their 30s before committing to this procedure.


Benefits of FUE Hair Transplant

Over the past few years, there has been a lot of talk regarding why more and more people are opting for FUE Hair Transplant in India – the simple answer is that there are genuine benefits of FUE hair transplant like grafts can be extracted from anywhere including beard, arms, legs and chest and this process allows for body hair implantation too – this means FUE can be used to reconstruct small cosmetic areas like beard, eyebrows and eyelashes and some of the other benefits include:

Minimally Invasive
Not only is this a minimally invasive technique, it is virtually painless – you will actually be only under local anaesthesia and awake the entire time
Natural Results
Because there are no stitches or linear scars, the results will be natural and undetectable and yes, the results are permanent
Maximum Density
Maximum density is possible per session as is dense packing of follicle to ensure that you have a head full of hair
Fast Recovery
The recovery is extremely fast and the donor as well as recipient areas tend to heal really quickly
Rare Infections
This procedure entails minimal trauma, rare infections and minimal post-operative complications, especially if proper care is taken

More About FUE Hair Transplant

Steps During FUE Transplant

As is the case with any hair transplant procedure, the steps of the FUE hair transplant procedure need to be charted out properly and with care, to ascertain success. These are the main steps:

  • The donor and recipient areas will be marked out clearly
  • The hairline will be designed and with the use of a marker, the same will be demarcated
  • Local anesthesia is administered
  • Each graft is extracted individually under magnification using a 0.6 – 0.9mm punch
  • While the extraction is going on, another technician will study them under magnification – each of these are separated according to the total number of hairs per graft
  • If any transected grafts are found, they are discarded and new grafts are extracted to replace them
  • Total number of grafts are counted at every step as this helps reduce wastage
  • Since the donor site will already have been demarcated, the slits will be made and pockets will be created
  • Within these pockets, the prepared grafts will be placed and the procedure will be completed

Post-procedure care after FUE Hair Transplant

Given that FUE is an extremely sophisticated procedure, the invasiveness of the same is minimal. You are given only a local anesthetic, which means that you are awake during the procedure. Because only micro-punches are used, the post-surgical trauma is also minimal and when the best hair transplant surgeon in India does your procedure, you can be sure that there will be no or minimal side effects.

The general post operative instructions are similar to those given after any hair transplant:

  • You will be asked to keep your head elevated for a few days, in addition to when sleeping
  • The bandage will be removed in 3 days, but you will be asked to be gentle with your new grafts
  • You will be told when you can wash your head and how to go about it, which should be in about a week
  • Heavy exercise, alcohol consumption and smoking will have to be avoided for a few days
  • You will have to adhere to any medication you are advised to take

Your recovery with FUE hair transplant should be easy enough and in about 10 days, your scalp should start to look normal.

Risks associated with FUE Hair Transplant

The easiest way to know that you have had access to the best FUE hair transplant in India is the lack of any complications or side effects. However, in the worst case scenarios, some of the side effects and complications could include:

  • Temporary or minor complications can include pain, numbness, itching and swelling on the forehead, ooozing from the graft sites or infection – all these should reduce on their own or with some basic medication. There will also be some hair fall, but this shedding is not permanent should resolve in a matter of weeks.
  • Folliculitis and shock loss are also temporary and should resolve on their own, without any serious intervention
  • The more serious side effects include overharvesting and poor density, which could lead to a poor hairline.

Our Patients Testify

" staff including Dr. Kapil delivers utmost professional and knowledgeable service, extremely efficient processes, and were generous and kind. I could not have envisioned a more pleasurable experience for undergoing treatment or surgery in any facility as the AK Clinics."

Rajneesh Singh

FUE Hair Transplant Cost in India

If you’re considering a FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant, you’ll find that the cost in India is often more affordable compared to countries like the US, UK, and Australia. The cost of FUE hair transplants in India can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the clinic’s location, the surgeon’s expertise, the number of grafts needed, and additional services offered. To help you understand the potential expenses, we’ve provided a detailed cost table below, along with insights into the key factors that influence pricing. By exploring these elements, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your budget and expectations.

At AK Clinics the cost of a FUE hair transplant will be decided based on a range of factors, including:

  • How extensive is the recipient area – the larger the area, the more it might cost you
  • How rich is the donor area – if the extraction can be done from a localized region, it could reduce the final amount
  • How many grafts are finally extracted and implanted
  • If there are any other situations, such as medical conditions that need to be considered
  • If this is a revision procedure and corrections or addition of grafts are needed
Number of GraftsCost on Lower SideCost on Higher SideNo of Sittings
800-1000 graftsINR 45,000INR 1,00,0001 Sitting
1000 – 2000 graftsINR 75,000INR 2,00,0001 Sitting
2000 – 3000 graftsINR 125,000INR 350,0001-2 Sitting
3000 – 4000 graftsINR 1,75,000INR 4,50,0001-2 Sitting

Disclaimer: The above mentioned price is only for reference, every patient is given a custom quote depending on the choice of surgeon, location and technique. There is Service Tax/GST applicable on the cosmetic surgeries in India.

Steps of Surgery

1 Preparation & Local Anaesthesia

Hair transplant surgery is done under local anaesthesia unless recommended otherwise. The surgeon may want to give you field and regional anaesthesia blocks which will work only on the area prepared for the surgery. This is the most efficient technique to have virtually painless surgery with rarely any risks related to anaesthesia. The patient is wide awake during the surgery and is totally aware of surroundings. Since, it is a time consuming proce


Our Success Stories


AK Clinics has a team of highly trained doctors & who are dedicated to field of hair restoration. The team is ably led by Dr. Kapil Dua MBBS, MS, along with Dr. Aman Dua, MBBS, MD and The team has permanent inhouse technicians who are well experienced.
The clinic has its own training program for new team members where they are trained over models for a minimum of 6 months before being allowed to work on patients. We have a seasoned team of hair transplant counselors.

Success Story Part 1………


Hair Transplant Result – 3100 Grafts BIO FUE Technique


Complications of FUE

General post-operative complications

These complications can occur after any surgical procedure and can be managed with proper post-operative care.

  • Post-operative pain – Pain killers like paracetamol for 7 days.
  • Oozing – Can be stopped by applying firm pressure with a sterile gauze piece for 5 min.
  • Numbness – Occurs rarely but resolves within 2-3 months
  • Itching – Anti-histamines for 7 days
  • Swelling of forehead – Pressure headband around the head along with
  • Intermittent forehead massage for 5-7 days can prevent swelling
  • Infection – Oral and topical antibiotics for 7 days.

Complications specific to donor area

Most of it can be avoided with the right technique of taking out hair from the donor area.

  • Pin point white scars – Male pattern (MPB) and female pattern baldness (FAGA)
  • Post-surgery shedding – Temporary. Can occur after 6 weeks of surgery and resolves within 3-4 months. More common in females.
  • Folliculitis – Temporary. Occurs after 2-3 months. Usually sterile and will subside. Warm compresses and topical antibiotic cream can provide relief. If there is pus, then contact your surgeon who will most likely prescribe a course of antibiotics.
  • Overharvesting – Permanent. Thinning or patches of baldness may happen if surgeon goes beyond the safe area or takes out large number of grafts. Can be avoided completely by choosing an experienced and skilled surgeon.

Complications specific to recipient area

Complications specific to recipient area can be avoided when transplant is done with the right technique.

  • Shock loss – Temporary. Can occur after 6 weeks of surgery and resolves within 3-4 months.
  • Cobblestoning – Common when needles are used for making slits. Nowadays, cut-to-size blades are used which has reduced the risk to minimal.
  • Poor density – It can be both a subjective and objective problem and can happen because of unrealistic expectations, unsatisfying graft distribution and poor graft survival. A good counselling before the surgery can prevent the chances of any difference in opinion. In practice, graft survival rate has been seen upto 90% and it can be minimised if proper post-operative care is taken. It is always advised to start medical treatment as advised by the surgeon for androgenetic alopecia to maintain the already existing hair after the surgery.
  • Poor hairline – It is extremely important to discuss the expectations with your surgeon before the surgery and also know the limitations if any. In case it occurs, hairline reconstruction can be opted for after 9 to 12 months from the previous surgery.

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Our Infrastructure

AK Clinics, Delhi

M, 20, Hansraj Gupta Rd, near M Block Market, Greater Kailash-1, M Block, New Delhi, Delhi 110048