
Non-Surgical Liposuction Post Care

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Non-Surgical Liposuction

UAL or Ultrasonic liposuction uses the high intensity of sound waves on the body to dissolve the fat in a precise area before it is removed. Ultrasonic liposuction is used to remove the hard to treat areas such as chin, neck, knees, calves and ankles. It can be additionally given to tumescent liposuction for patients requiring more body contouring. UAL process does not involve the use of lasers or suctions. The fat cells are exposed to the ultrasound energy resulting in the rupturing and liquefaction of the cells which makes extraction procedure easy. There are fewer traumas as compared to the other methods as the non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction is an efficient procedure.

Post Op Care Instructions after Non Surgical Ultrasonic Liposuction Treatment

It is important to take care of your health after the liposuction treatment as the objective of the treatment is to ensure the smooth retraction of skin, accelerates the speed of the recovery as well as the reduction of the swelling and bruising. Follow the proper post op care instructions after the non surgical ultrasonic liposuction treatment to avoid the after treatment complications.

  • There can be pain, bruising and swelling after the treatment because your body will be in the process of tissue healing.
  • You have to limit your physical activities or few days. You can resume your exercises or other strenuous physical activities after 3-4 days but it is advisable that you start from less number of tasks.
  • There may a sensation of dizziness after wearing the compression garments if prescribed.
  • You may feel itching on the treated area or its surrounding area. It is normal and part of healing procedure.
  • Anti-inflammatory medicines will be prescribed by the doctor to prevent redness or swelling.
  • Do not apply ice packs or heating pads on the treated area after the non surgical ultrasonic liposuction treatment.
  • Do not soak yourself in hot bath tubs, Jacuzzi or pool with chlorinated water after 7 days of the treatment. This may raise the normal pH of the skin leading to infection or irritation.
  • You have to look after your diet, you can resume your normal healthy diet after the treatment but increase your fluid intake to 12-15 glasses per day.
  • Eat a well balanced diet enriched with nutrients, carbohydrates and protein
  • You should include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet
  • Consume a diet with less sodium or salt to decrease the edema (swelling) in the body and also to avoid fluid buildup in the body
  • Keep your body hydrated as much as you can
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol after the treatment for 4-5 days or 2 days before the treatment.