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City doctor honored as the Guest speaker in Taiwan

AK Clinics | June, 9 2017 | 0 Comments

Dr. Kapil Dua, from AK Clinics, President of AHRS India, recently delivered a talk in the 1st scientific meeting of Taiwan Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. He was the only Indian Hair Transplant Surgeon invited as a faculty there. He spoke on the topic of “ Tips & Tricks in FUE Hair transplant surgery.” He highlighted the various intricacies developed by the author and also how people are being solicited by false propaganda of unlimited hair being taken out from the scalp by FUE technique. He shared that in the long term the conservative approach should only be for doing hair transplants. He also spoke on the topic of Body hair transplantation in which he mentioned how to use the hair from the body parts like beard and chest to cover the areas of the scalp. He was then honored and given a token of appreciation for his contribution as a Guest Speaker for the FUE technique in the conference.

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AK Clinics

AK Clinics

AK Clinics- India most trusted & recommended Hair, Skin, Cosmetic Surgery Clinics in India run by Dr. Kapil Dua & Dr. Aman Dua with a mission empowering one million indians to look and feel their best.

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