No one likes skin that is oily or dirty, which is why most people choose to keep washing their face or use wet wipes to clean their face. However, in the world that we live in today, there are plenty of factors, which will dirty your face and lead to serious problems with your skin, such as acne and rashes.
In order for you to maintain clean and clear skin for a long time, there are several things that you need to keep in mind and some of them include:

- You need to firstly figure out what kind of skin you have, because your skin type will determine what kind of cleansing products you need to invest in. For instance, if you have oily skin, you should not purchase a face wash that is meant for people with dry skin. You need to understand whether you have dry, oily, normal or combination skin and this is something a skin expert will be able to help you out with. Once you have figured out what your skin type is, make sure that you purchase products in accordance.
- While you might think that washing your face multiple times a day would be a good idea, it is actually not, because every time you wash your face, you are taking away natural moisture and making it dry. Ideally, you should wash your face, twice a day – once in the morning and once before you go to sleep. Use a facewash that suits your skin type and opt for something that cleanses your face without robbing it of natural oils.
- Make sure that you do not use ordinary soaps, but a good facewash for your face. The choice would be based on various factors such as how much makeup you use, how much time you spend outdoors and so on. Ideally, you should use warm or cold water to wash your face, because if you use hot water, it will wash off the natural oils from your skin, leaving it dry and lifeless.
- It might seem tempting to scrub your face with a towel, but avoid, because your face needs to be treated with gentle care. Always pat dry your skin to dry it and ensure that you use a clean towel. Ideally, your towel should be your own and not shared with others, because this is the easiest way to transfer bacteria.
- If you have oily skin, then a good toner is the best choice for you, because it can help with the oil balance, reduce acne and pores that have become completely clogged. In addition, if you pick out a good toner, it will help add antioxidants and retinoids to your skin care regime.
- Use a cotton ball or pad to clean your T zone with the toner, because this is normally where most of the oil tends to manifest. Again, it is important to find a toner that suits your skin type, because there are special formulations for acne prone skin and skin that is extremely sensitive. However, it would be wise to steer clear of alcohol based toners, because these can make the skin really dry.
- You might be in love with your face, but try not to constantly touch it, because this is one of the easiest ways of transferring germs and bacteria to your face. Even if you have to reapply your makeup, it would be wise to wash your hands first.
- If you have to use makeup on a regular basis, look for products that match your skin type. Look for terms such as noncomedogenic or non-acnegenic on the label, because these are meant to battle acne and keep the pores clean. Ensure that you do not use makeup that has gone past the expiry date. Most importantly, look for makeup products that are water or mineral based, as opposed to oil ones, because these will add to the oil build up on your skin.
- What you put into your body is just as important as what you put on it – so make sure that you drink a lot of water (a minimum of 8 glasses a day) and include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Include products that are low fat dairy, such as yoghurt, foods with high antioxidant levels such as berries and plums and foods that are high on essential fatty acids such as salmon.
- While many people might consider a facial a luxury or an unnecessary expensive, this is actually an easy way to get clean and clear skin. Choose a facial that is meant for your skin type and you will be able to see that your skin feels healthy and clean. An easy to do home facial is by mixing milk and honey and applying it to the face. After about 30 minutes, the same can be washed off with warm water.
- Exfoliation should become an important part of your skin care routine, because until and unless you remove all the dead skin, new skin will not be able to surface. As tempting as it might seem, you should ideally exfoliate only once a week, because the process can strip the skin of natural oils. When you gently exfoliate skin, the circulation improves, giving you with that natural glow and pink tone. You could choose to use a store bought exfoliator or create one at home, using easy to find ingredients such as salt, sugar or oats. If you have dry skin, combine these with jojoba or olive oil and for oily skin, you could use mashed bananas or avocado.
- As tempted as you might be to pop that pimple, don’t, because every time you do that, you are leaving a scar behind and spreading the bacteria. Ask a dermatologist to prescribe a spot treatment cream, which can help reduce the pimple.
If you are looking at an easier way out to having beautiful and clear skin, you can come to us at AK Clinics, where we offer you a range of skin treatments. From microdermabrasion to chemical peels, from acne and scar treatments to laser photo facials, we offer it all!