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How Cosmetic Surgery Can Change Your Life

Dr. Kapil Dua | May, 4 2016 | 0 Comments

Looks have always been important and for centuries, men and women, all over the world have made attempts to look better. While many people have applied lotions and potions on their face and body, others have tied up their body, so that it looked more contoured. Today, the same processes are still being used, albeit in modern manners and the umbrella term for all these processes has become plastic or cosmetic surgery.

Without a doubt, looking good is important, because many a times, the first impression is the last one and a good personality does make a positive impression. And the past few years, an increasing number of people are opting for cosmetic or corrective surgery, because they feel that looking better will give them an elevated level of confidence and a greater chance at success.

Here are just some of the benefits of cosmetic surgery and how it can change your life:

  • There are several people who might have suffered an accident or have been born with some sort of physical defect. Given that the society that we live in is one that responds to good looks, people with such defects are often subjected to ridicule and abuse. However, with corrective surgery, things should look up, because such surgery can allow them to bid farewell to all such disfigurements and look better not only to the world, but also to themselves!
  • Plastic surgery is no longer meant for youngsters or the middle aged – today, cosmetic surgery is catering to people of all ages. So while the younger people are opting for a better shaped nose, those in the middle ages are choosing to get rid of excess fat from their body, and the older people are preferring to get rid of their wrinkles faster! The one fact that is common to all age groups is that such corrective surgery can lead to a greater level of confidence and provide a greater zest for life.
  • In addition, surgery can be touched up at any stage of life, which means that you can continue to look good at any point of time. As a matter of fact, at the later stages of life, it is cosmetic surgery that can keep you looking younger. This would also explain why a growing number of people are opting for the minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, such as Botox injections and face lifts. As a matter of fact, it has been noticed that when older people undergo such procedures, they feel more confident and better self esteem.
  • More often than not, corrective or cosmetic surgery is done so that the body looks a little more normal. Such surgeries aim at sculpting the body into better shape, ensuring that there is nothing disproportionate. This ensures that the body is more in tandem with what the society considers acceptable.
  • The world that we live in is one that is high on the competition level and everyone is constantly trying to get ahead of the others. Good looks are highest on the list of those who want to get ahead in life and for most of them; cosmetic surgery is the only way to get there. It comes as no surprise that people who want to get ahead in the entertainment industry or modeling field, will first get their body contoured and corrected to ensure they stand apart in the world of good looking people. Studies have also shown that good looking people are able to climb the corporate ladder to success much faster, as compared to those who are average looking or are even more talented.
  • For many people, what plastic surgery does is the creation of a healthier looking persona. People who undergo surgical procedures such as liposuction or reduction of breasts or even gynecomastia are able to look healthier. By losing weight, they look and feel healthier and are able to face life better. In many cases, they are able to explore more avenues in life and indulge in activities that they otherwise would not have indulged in, such as aerobics or swimming.
  • It has also been noticed that being attractive assists in being accepted socially, which is why more and more people are now opting for cosmetic surgeries to ensure that they are not only the cynosure of all eyes, but also have the highest level of acceptance amongst their peers.
  • Many a times, we are not happy with the way we look, which is why we never have the confidence to progress in any special relationships. However, with corrective surgery, the same becomes easier and in many cases, it has been noticed that once people look better, they are able to connect better with other people.
  • There are several people who have tried to look their best, via exercise, but failed miserably. However, with corrective surgery, the perfect figure or the perfect face can be achieved within a matter of days, and that too in a flawless manner.
  • Given that newer technologies are emerging each day, surgeries are becoming more precise with lesser chances of things going wrong. This is perhaps why, a growing number of people are choosing to undergo such surgeries, so that they can look their best.

While many people choose to concentrate on the side effects of cosmetic surgery, there are actually innumerable benefits too.

Dr. Kapil Dua

Dr. Kapil Dua

Dr. Kapil Dua, Co-Founder & Chairman at AK Clinics has over fourteen years of clinical and teaching experience in the fields of Otolaryngology & Hair Transplant. He holds the recognition for having transplanted over 5 million grafts, among the highest in the world, with a record of less than 3% wastage, among the best in the world. Dr Kapil Dua is one of the most recognized Indian hair transplant surgeon throughout all the world.

He has been doing hair transplant surgeries by FUE technique since 2007, has treated thousands of patients since then and demonstrated surgeries in conferences in China, Thailand, Dubai, UK. He has published more than 40 national and international publications including chapters in all the major textbooks all over the world.

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