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Is pain after a hair transplant normal?

AK Clinics | March, 28 2016 | 0 Comments

Que: My FUT hair transplant is now 3 months old, but I can still the pain, at the back of the head, right above where the cut was made. The area hurts when I touch it. when I spoke to my doctor, he said something about the veins getting cut, but I am not so sure about his explanation. Is my pain normal or is something wrong?

Ans: When it is an FUT procedure, a little pain is normal and to be expected, however, most of these problems tend to fade away after some time. It is important for you to understand that during a strip procedure, certain nerves, right below the hair follicles could get cut, leading to the formation of a neuroma. The neuroma will pain or lead to a sensation of numbness and this too should subside over time. However, if the pain is unbearable, you can meet your doctor and ask for some painkillers.

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