The skin is the largest organ of the human body, but many a times, it is the one that is given the least amount of attention. For most people, taking a bath daily and washing their face twice a day is about it – they feel that the skin does not need any more attention. Then there is that category, which will take a little more care by applying moisturizer, each day.
There are a rare few people, who go all out to take care of their skin, by doing everything that they ought to be doing. They will make sure that they wash their face and exfoliate twice a week; they will drink plenty of water through the day and eat sufficient quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, they will apply liberal amounts of sunscreen, every time they step out. Innumerable people would consider this category of people vain, because they will feel that such people are spending too much time on themselves. However, the fact of the matter is that such people will have skin that looks younger, for a much longer time.

If you are someone who is concerned about how their skin looks and ages, there are a few things that you can do. However, it is important to understand that skin care has to start at a young age, because only a tree that is nurtured from the seed stage, can grow tall and healthy. Skin care needs to start in the late teens or at least in the early 20s, for it to continue showing results even in the late 50s and 60s. And if you are willing to commit, then your skin will remain healthy and even toned for a really long time.
What to expect and what to do during your 20s and 30s:
There are several people who feel that acne is something that bids farewell after the teens, but the truth is that acne can continue for a really long time. As a matter of fact, adult acne actually starts to develop only during the 20s and early 30s. Even people who have never had a single pimple during their teens can develop adult acne. This means that at this point in life, it is important to look at keeping the skin clean and oil free at all times and also consider anti-ageing, because the foundation of wrinkles are laid at this point.
The first signs of ageing need not necessarily be associated with actual age – over exposure to sunlight can accelerate ageing. It is important to remember that the damage caused by sunlight takes time to start showing its effects, which is why prevention will prove to be better than a cure. Whenever you hit the beach, it is important that you have proper sun protection, because what might start with freckles and sun spots could eventually lead to wrinkles. The fine lines will start to develop around the eyes, forehead and the corners of the mouth. This is the best time to ensure proper sun protection and start with anti-ageing procedures.
Here is what you should be doing:
- Start using products that are high in antioxidants, because these will nourish the skin from within. When you use them in conjunction with sun protection, you can be sure that your skin will remain protected for longer. It would also make sense to include foods in your diet, that are high in antioxidants, as these will provide nourishment and protection from within.
- This is also the best time to start a clinical skin care regime, because starting early will lead to the best results. When you are in your local pharmacy or supermarket, look for products that have retinol, peptides and ingredients that will help boost collagen production in the body.
- If you are suffering from adult acne, it would be best that you start the treatment procedure as early as possible. Look for a product that has salicylic acid, will help prevent breakouts and also help even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of the first signs of ageing. In case your acne is very persistent, you might want to visit a dermatologist and have medication prescribed for the same.
- This is also the best time to start off with facial or clinical treatments such as gentle laser treatments and fractional resurfacing. This will take care of issues such as pigmentation, increasing porosity of skin, reduction of skin elasticity and so on.
What to expect and what to do during your 40s:
Once you hit your 40s, the ageing is bound to start showing, no matter how well you have taken care of yourself. The body is undergoing plenty of changes, especially in terms of hormones, and that will show on the skin. However, if you are willing to put in some amount of effort, it should be easy to maintain your skin, with it looking even, free of fine lines and looking plump and healthy.
For many women, this is also the time when menopause starts to set in and that brings about a massive hormonal upheaval in the body. There is also a slowing down in the collagen production, which means that there will be a change in your skin tone and texture. As there is no longer a natural production of collagen, the skin will start to feel droopy and because the cell turnover is also slower, there will be a loss of the natural glow. This is also the time when you start facing troubles with varicose veins, sun spots and wrinkles.
Here is what you should be doing:
- Regular laser treatments will reduce how visible broken capillaries are and if you are suffering from varicose veins, then too the laser treatments will help. If the veins are truly bulging, then you might want to combine the laser treatment with sclerotherapy.
- Gentle lasers will work well on younger skin; for slightly more aged skins, you will need to go for a stronger form of laser. Fractional laser will not only improve the tone and texture of your skin, it will also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
- While Botox and dermal fillers might actually be your best friends, once you are in your 40s. When there is loss of volume from your face, dermal fillers will not only plump the same up, but also reduce the fine lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers can also provide a certain amount of contouring to make the face look fuller and suppler. There are also neurotoxin injections, which will limit the movement of the muscles, which can lead to the formation of wrinkles.
- There are also procedures such as Ultherapy and CoolSculpting, which will improve the tone and texture of the skin. The former is an ultrasound procedure, wherein the production of collagen is stimulated and the procedure can be used all over the body. The later procedure is meant to remove stubborn fat deposits, which often arise with age.
In the next article, we will continue to look at how to take care of the skin, in the later stages of life.