AK Clinics
AK Clinics- India most trusted & recommended Hair, Skin, Cosmetic Surgery Clinics in India run by Dr. Kapil Dua & Dr. Aman Dua with a mission empowering one million indians to look and feel their best.
Whenever person starts losing his hair, he starts looking for options. Over the years he tries various oils, drugs and supplementsto get hair back with mixed or disappointing results. Ultimately he tries to look for options of surgical hair transplant on the internet where he mainly comes across two options, either follicular-unit extraction FUE or Follicular unit transplant, but you can try other method also that’s been around for a while, robotic hair transplantation. Each method has pros and cons though one method has many more pros than cons. Let’s look at these options more closely to determine which one can truly get you the results you deserve.
In manual technique there are two methods, follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Out of this FUE is method of choice in which grafts are harvested by punches of various types from the donor region one at a time.To extract the follicular units, the surgeon creates site and then implants a graft. The size of the punches varies between 0.7mm to .9 mm. One of the biggest advantages of this method is that with experience the surgeon can modify his technique according to individual hair pattern and needs. Only disadvantage of this method surgeon can be fatigued and to overcome this problem we have Robotic technique.
This technique has been developed by Restoration Robotics San Jose CA. A robotic system ARTAS to work under physician control. It uses digital video guided microscope and follicular unit identification system with two-step punch device with a precision of 0.014mm. Since the robot is doing the work, surgeon fatigue is very less. As per the company, the quality of your last hair graft will equal that of your first. It is very expensive and has limited availability in the world. To understand better let’s compare this method.
Procedures | Robotic | FUE | FUT |
Harvesting method | The High Definition Stereoscopic Vision System Utilizes ARTAS Artificial Intelligence™ Algorithms to Identify and Select the Best Hair Follicles for Harvesting (FUE) |
Ideal candidate |
Cost |
Surgery |
Recovery |
Donor Availability |
Graft Survival |
Scars |
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