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| October 8, 2013 | 0 Comments
Why surgeons recommend FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
Is FUE as good as surgeons make it out to be? Or is it a marketing gimmick at the end of the day? We continue from our previous blogpost.. A very serious drawback of the STRIP procedure is that if it goes wrong, the patient may also suffer from loo of scalp. For most people […]
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| June 15, 2012 | 0 Comments
How to prevent hair from thinning and hair fall
Thinning is a stressful phenomenon that occurs in many women as well as men. As the person starts getting aged, germ centers within the follicles on the skin become damaged, and as a result, the follicle produces a thinner, weaker called a vellus hair. The new, better hairs are so thin that they can hardly […]