
Chemical Peels Post Care

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Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are used to improve the skin texture, appearance on the face, neck and hands. In chemical peels, a solution of skin improving agents and chemicals are used which causes the exfoliation of the skin and sooner or later peel off. During the procedure, dermal layers of skin have to undergo a controlled destruction, leading to shedding of the dead skin cells followed by the regeneration and remodeling of the new skin cells. This will result in the soft, clear and pigmentation free skin. The whole procedure is generally safe but few complications may occur. However, these complications can be best avoided with proper care and guidance. Always seek your treatment from an expert dermatologist. He or She will describe you the best post op instructions after chemical peel treatment. The complications after chemical peel treatment that you can experience are;

Post-Op Care Instructions for Chemical Peel Treatment

Chemical Peels are now combined with other procedures like microdermabrasion for treating pigmentation, acne treatment, and skin polishing. These combinations help to make the skin smoother as they can penetrate deep into the skin and remove impurities from the deep skin layers. A good post-care procedure ensures early recovery with minimal complications. Following are the post-op care instructions for the chemical peel treatment;

Do Gentle Cleansing

Do not wash your face right after your chemical peel treatment. Always use a mild soap or non-soap cleanser as your skin is sensitive after the procedure. Harsh soaps or cleanser can irritate your skin. Wash your face with luke warm water and gently pat dry.

Do not prick Crusting & Scratching

There may be a crust formation after chemical peel on your skin. Do not try to pick, scratch or pull that crust after your peel. If you will do so, there will be scarring on your skin. This crusting will eventually fall off after 4 to 7 days or depending on the strength of the chemical peel used in your treatment. Dermatologist may also prescribe any topical antibiotic to prevent the bacterial infection and to fasten the healing.

Avoid Exfoliation

In chemical peel treatment, skin has undergone a chemical procedure so do not exfoliate your skin for at least 2 weeks. Do not exfoliate your skin using a cleansing brush, facial scrub, harsh cleanser. It will aggravate the irritation, redness on your skin. Scratching the abraded skin will lead to pigmentation and scarring and these scars can be permanent.

Avoid Peeling Agents

Do not use any cosmetic products which contains skin peeling agents like glycolic acid, retinoids, AHA (alpha hydroxyl acid) until the desquamation of outer layer or crust is complete. These products can cause the excessive shedding of the skin cells resulting in redness and inflammation of the skin. You can resume your daily skin care regimen after 10-15 days.

Moisturization for Stinging Sensation

After your chemical peel treatment, your skin may appear dry, cracking or sore. Use a light moisturizer or the one recommended by doctor. Moisturize your skin day and night and reapply if needed. Remember that do not over moisturize your skin as it could reverse the treatment effects. If you will over moisturize the skin, then it will take hard time to form crust or to peel effectively.

Limit the Sun Exposure

Your skin will appear pinkish in color for a few hours after chemical peel treatment. Sun exposure during this time will enhance the risk of sun burn and skin irritation. So avoid sun exposure during this time and use the broad spectrum sunscreen prescribed by doctor. You can use sunscreen with SPF 30 or even higher throughout the day. Reapply as needed to limit the skin from sun burn or skin discoloration.

Cool Compress

Your skin may become temperature sensitive after the exposure of chemicals during the treatment. You have to take care of your skin for few days. Try to keep your skin as cool as you can. You can use cool compress or ice packs on your skin but do not apply direct ice on your skin.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

Keep your body and skin well hydrated. Keep at least 8 ounce glasses of water in a day to retain the moisture content in the body. It will help your skin from dryness. You can use skin hydrating lotions or serums after consulting with the doctor to prevent excessive dryness.

Avoid Heavy Workout

Please refrain yourself from heavy workout or exercises for at least 24 hours up to 48 hours. Heavy workout will lead to sweating; you will rub your skin which can cause irritation, skin rashes and peeling away of the crust.


Before the treatment asks doctor about post complications properly so that you will be able to recognize if you experience any. After chemical peel treatment, common complications like swelling, redness, burning sensation, pain and blister or pus formation may occur. Consult with the doctor immediately if the condition worsens and the doctor will treat accordingly.

Post Op Care Instructions for Skin Polishing Treatment with Chemical Peels

  • It is important to wipe off properly all the dead skin cells or debris that was left behind. Use a mild rehydrating toner for cleaning. Avoid your skin from dryness. Moisturize your skin with a rich moisturizer properly.
  • There may be mild tenderness and bruising after the skin polishing treatment. It will not last long. There are various copper based lotions with mild ingredients. These will help in faster recovery after the treatment and also improves the skin’s texture or quality. The serums with high vitamin A, C and E ratios help to maintain the toned skin.
  • Allow your skin to renew and regenerate itself. Do not pick or remove the dead skin cells. It will lead to pigmentation and scarring. If itching is hard to control, consult with the physician and ask for the gel or ointment which will soothe the skin.
  • If you are using any topical on the regular basis, discontinue its use for the next 72 hours after your skin polishing treatment. You can resume the use of those topical after the duration of 3 days. Only apply the healing lotion prescribed by the physician for few days.
  • Do not visit the hot places that make you sweat. Refrain yourself from heavy workout for 2-3 days. Excessive perspiration can cause skin irritation. Avoid swimming in the chlorinated water and avoid hot baths, saunas etc.
  • Do not exfoliate your skin with harsh scrub after the treatment. Use gentle or mild cleanser for face wash. Strong or harsh ingredients can raise the pH of the skin which can cause skin irritation.
  • After the skin polishing treatment, outer layer of skin shed away and takes time to renew. It is important to form an extra layer of protection on your skin if you are going out in the UV rays. Direct contact with the UV rays can harm your skin. Use sunscreen while going out and even re-apply after every 2 hours.
  • Do not undergo any other cosmetological treatments like Botox, dermal fillers for 7-10 days after your skin polishing treatment. During this period, skin is still under the regeneration or renewing phase and other treatments can cause excessive damage to dermal layers.

Post Op Care Instructions for Acne Treatment with Chemical Peels

  • Do not use harsh cloth to clean the face. Use a soft baby cloth to wipe the face and wash with a mild or gentle cleanser.
  • Use the skin-soothing products and your skin may feel dry and irritated to the touch, use moisturizer properly.
  • Always use an SPF of more than 30 before going out or limit sun exposure.
  • Use soap-free cleansers and gentle moisturizers.
  • Increase water intake to up to 4-5 liters per day.

Post Op Care Instructions for Pigmentation Treatment with Chemical Peels

  • After few days, skin starts appearing bronzed. This condition is known as MENDS (Microscopic epidermal necrotic debris) in patients with heavily pigmented skin. These lesions are produced due to chemical damage. No need to worry. It is the part of healing.
  • Allow these scabs to fall off naturally. Do not pick or scratch these scabs. However, these may not happen in all patients.
  • Avoid hot scorching showers after the treatment. Use normal or luke warm water to wash the treated area.
  • Your skin may appear dry or flaky. Keep your skin moisturized.
  • Always use the mild or gentle cleanser on the treated area to avoid scarring.
  • Do not exfoliate your skin with harsh scrubbers.
  • Do not use any skin products containing glycolic/ alpha hydroxyl/ beta hydroxyl/ tretinoin/ benzoyl peroxide or other exfoliating products. These ingredients can cause hyper-pigmentation or skin discoloration on the newly treated area.
  • Sunscreen is must. Use 30 + SPF sun block on the exposed treated area while going out in the sun.
  • Avoid contact with the excess heat like hot tubs, steam rooms or saunas for 2- 3 weeks after the treatment.
  • Do not swim in the chlorinated or salinated water for few weeks. This may result in rise in the pH level of the skin leading to the irritation, redness and scaling of the skin.
  • Refrain yourself from strenuous exercises or sweaty workout until the skin has healed.

Maximize the benefits of your Chemical Peel Treatment at AK Clinics

Our skin care specialists will thoroughly examine you and will compose a simple, specially customized skin care regimen according to you before the treatment and will tell you all the essential steps that will benefit you. Our experts will select the peel according to your skin type and concentration of the chemicals according to your skin condition. This will minimize the risk of complications after your treatment.