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Does oil actually help to grow hair longer & faster

AK Clinics | January, 28 2015 | 0 Comments

For most people, their looks are very important and perhaps one of the most crucial parts of a person’s appearance is their hair. Ensuring that your hair always looks its best there are a lot of things that a lot of people do. However, there is one magic potion that is known to make hair look beautiful, while making sure that they are strong and healthy from the inside.

This magic potion is nothing more than the humble hair oil, which is has today taken on multiple dimensions. For years, hair oil has been used to nurture and nourish hair, and today, people are returning to the age old remedies. What is interesting to see is that oil, which has been around for centuries is now being packaged in brand new bottles; however, the benefits remain the same.

Here is a look at some of the benefits of using hair oil on a regular basis:

• Oil has always been known to reduce dryness and same is the case with hair too. Regular oiling of hair can ensure that the hair does not become dry, and the natural moisture of the hair remains locked in. If you oil your hair regularly, shampoo will assist in washing off the dirt, without washing off the natural moisture. A simple method of moisturising hair from within is by oiling your hair followed by hot towel treatment, i.e. wrapping the head in a towel that has been moistened in warm water for a few minutes.
• Given that oil will lock in the natural moisture in the hair and moisturise the scalp as well, you will be able to say farewell to dandruff. It has been noted that people who oil their hair regular and use the correct type of shampoo are rarely plagued by dry or flaky scalp. If your dandruff is really severe, you could try a simply trick – gently massage oil into your scalp and leave it overnight. The next morning, wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Doing this on a regular basis, should take care of your dandruff problems.

• For centuries, grandmothers and mothers have sung praises about the benefits of warming hair oil. Warm oil can actually provide deep conditioning and needs to be left in the hair for only an hour or so. Once the oil has had the chance to work its magic, you can wash it off.
• When your scalp is healthy and your hair moisturised, you will notice that you are losing less hair, by the day. Regular oiling can ensure that dryness as well as tightness that you might be feeling is removed. A hydrated scalp will also allow you to get rid of that itchy feeling on your scalp. Many people have also noticed that split ends are notably reduced, once oiling your hair and scalp becomes a regular habit.
• Like you would apply a sunscreen on your body, when you step out into the sun, oil works the same way for your hair. Not only does the oil provide a protective coating, ensuring proper hydration, but also protecting it from pollution. As a matter of fact, the oil in your hair will trap all the dirt and grime. This means that when you wash your hair, you will be able to wash off the dirt as well.
• Hair oil can also ensure that the colour of your hair remains vibrant for a really long time. The oil will be able to lock in the colour that you would have applied and allow it to last longer than normal.

Now that we have understood the multiple benefits of using hair oil, it is also important to know which oils are the best for your hair. There are plenty of options in the markets today, and understanding which one will work best for you will allow you to have truly
healthy and beautiful hair
. Here are some of the most popular and beneficial hair oils:
Coconut oil – The world recognize coconut oil as one of the best oils for beautiful hair. Rich in Lauric Acid and Vitamin E, this oil has the capability to penetrate the very shaft of the hair. If you have dry or frizzy hair, there could be no better option than coconut oil.

Olive oil – There are innumerable people who have understood the benefits of using olive oil in their daily cooking, but the same oil can work magic on your hair too. The oil has incredible moisturising and can also provide deep conditioning. As a matter of fact, if you are someone who subjects your hair to heat on a regular basis, then a coating of olive oil would be the best bet, because it provides a seal around the hair.

Almond oil – The high vitamin E content in almond oil will not only make your hair stronger and shinier, but also ensure that you lose lesser hair. This oil is also a great choice, should you be looking at a way of protecting damaged ends.

Castor oil – This is dense oil and has riconleic acid along with a triglyceride of fatty acids and is the best solution for split ends. The oil is also known to improve circulation in the scalp and allow for better hair growth.

Some of the other beneficial hair oils include jojoba, sunflower, avocado, argan, grapeseed and even canola!

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