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| December 6, 2013 | 0 Comments
Can wearing a cap or dyeing hair make you bald – part 1
“Don’t keep twisting the end of your plait, your hair will wither away,” my grandma would reprimand. To my six year old mind, it didn’t make sense, it still doesn’t! My granny would continue to admonish, she would tell my mom, “Don’t tie her hair so tight with so many clips, you’ll yank her hair […]
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| May 16, 2013 | 0 Comments
Hair Transplant in the case African descent males and females
Q. We’ve seen not many doctors actually do hair transplant in African descent males in fact just AK Clinics or may be one or two more in India and likewise rare in world. Is there a particular reason for this kind of pattern. What are the challenges in Hair Transplant procedure of African descent males […]