
Post Pigmentation Post Care

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Post Pigmentation Treatment

Pigmentation is the skin discoloration that occurs due to the excessive production of melanin. During the treatment, laser of high beam and the intense light energy is passed through epidermal layer of the skin. This light energy gets absorbed by the skin pigments resulting in the dispersion of the pigmented cells. These pigmented cells are then removed by the immune system through its defense mechanism of the body.

Post-op care Instruction after Pigmentation Treatment

The treatment of pigmentation by laser requires multiple sessions and skin has to undergo the heat again and again which causes sensitive skin. After the treatment, you will be given special instructions to take care of your skin which is important to follow to avoid any complications. Following are the post pigmentation treatment instructions properly to minimize the side effects.

  • Your skin will appear red or pink immediately after the procedure. Do not touch or rub your skin.
  • After few days, skin starts appearing bronzed. This condition is known as MENDS (Microscopic epidermal necrotic debris) in patients with heavily pigmented skin. These lesions are produced due to sun damage. No need to worry. It is the part of healing.
  • Allow these scabs to fall off naturally. Do not pick or scratch these scabs.
  • Avoid hot scorching showers after the treatment. Use normal or luke warm water to wash the treated area.
  • Your skin may appear dry or flaky. Keep your skin moisturized
  • Always use the mild or gentle cleanser on the treated area to avoid scarring.
  • Do not exfoliate your skin with harsh scrubbers.
  • Do not use any skin products containing glycolic/ alpha hydroxyl/ beta hydroxyl/ tretinoin/ benzoyl peroxide or other exfoliating products. These ingredients can cause hyper-pigmentation or skin discoloration on the newly treated area.
  • Sunscreen is must. Use 30 + SPF sun block on the exposed treated area while going out in the sun.
  • Avoid contact with the excess heat like hot tubs, steam rooms or saunas for 2- 3 weeks after the treatment.
  • Do not swim in the chlorinated or salinated water for few weeks. This may result in rise in the pH level of the skin leading to the irritation, redness and scaling of the skin.
  • Refrain yourself from strenuous exercises or sweaty workout until the skin has healed.
  • Increase the water intake and keep your body hydrated as much as you can.
  • If you have a history of cold sores, consult with the physician and ask for the antiviral prescription.
  • Red stripping may also occur which is extremely rare and should subside within 3-4 days and if not, visit the physician.