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| November 4, 2014 | 0 Comments
Why Laser Therapy Could Be Ideal For You
There has been a lot of talk about laser therapy and how it is being utilised for a range of purposes. While there are some uses that are cosmetic, there are numerous that are medical. Since the past few years, laser therapy has been used extensively and effectively in treating hair loss. However, before we […]
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| January 6, 2014 | 0 Comments
Are bald men striked off or strikingly beautiful?(Part 1 of 2)
A generation of men have grown up on ordinary and the not-so-ordinary , occasional mousse, gel and wax and have taken their thinning hair in their stride. While Britain’s 7.4 million bald and balding men grapple with a loss in their crowning glory and subsequently in their self-esteem, quite a few among them are bold […]
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| December 9, 2013 | 0 Comments
Can wearing a cap or dyeing hair make you bald – part 2
So you can start wearing those fancy scarves again. Or wear that baseball cap to the cricket match or for a sports meet. But did you believe that just running your fingers through your hair could cause hair loss? We’ve been conditioned to think that the more we mess with our hair, more the cause […]
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| October 8, 2013 | 0 Comments
Why surgeons recommend FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
Is FUE as good as surgeons make it out to be? Or is it a marketing gimmick at the end of the day? We continue from our previous blogpost.. A very serious drawback of the STRIP procedure is that if it goes wrong, the patient may also suffer from loo of scalp. For most people […]
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| September 12, 2013 | 0 Comments
Natural way to Healthy Long Hair
A three year old in a simple cotton dress was making her way to the local grocery store, when a lady standing nearby noticed her beautiful shoulder-length hair, pinned on one side with a flower clip. A 30 year old IT professional despite a stressful routine sports a crop of healthy hair, while his not-so-young […]
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| September 10, 2013 | 0 Comments
Hair transplant failure: Myth or Reality
What is it about hair transplants that make people feel they should go for it, as though the ads that promote ‘cures to baldness’ weave a mesmeric spell? Many surgeons state there is a certain risk. It gives the entire medical fraternity a bad name when fly-by-night operators make tall claims and then fail to […]