
Gynecomastia Surgery

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Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Enlargement of breast in human male is called Gynecomastia because of feminine type looks of breast. In this physical abnormality and deformed state, breasts bulged and protrude outward. It primarily involves accumulation of glandular tissue, fatty tissue and excessive growth of skin. In medical term it is proliferation of ductal and stromal part of mammary glands. This means breast more often becomes bulky, voluminous, heavy, irregular and distorted. This condition may be unilateral or bilateral. This condition is also known as Man boobs or men breast enlargement. Gynecomastia removal is surgically done with gynecomastia surgery or men breast reduction surgery.
Causes of Gynecomastia

  • Low level of androgens or sex hormones such as testosterone, LH
  • Drugs such as antibiotics, antidepressants, diuretics
  • High level of prolactin, a hormone responsible for producing milk in females,
  • Genetically due to klinefelter’s syndrome
  • Hypogonadism – small testes/ unable to produce enough hormones
  • Hyperthyroidism – It helps in retaining more fluid in body
  • High levels of estrogens or female hormones
  • Use of anabolic steroids to gain large and bulky muscles, gyming
  • Certain narcotics such as marijuana, heroin
  • Diet loaded with fat and lipids
  • Rare causes – cancer of testis, breast, liver cirrhosis

Treatments for Male Breast Reduction

Our highly qualified plastic surgeons at AK Clinics routinely perform gynecomastia mastectomy or liposuction of patients suffering from this condition. AK Clinics is equipped with ultra modern equipments with all facilities and state-of-art-technology. Moreover our doctors are highly sensitive to your feelings and emotions and ensures you of masculine look through this surgery.

Non Surgical Treatment

Non Surgical Treatment

Many people approach endocrinologist for the treatment but in most of the cases the size once increased can only be reduced by a surgery. Further since gynecomastia is hormonal problem so the treatment regime is generally anti hormones which have serious side effects.

Surgical Treatment – Least Invasive

Surgical Treatment – Least Invasive

Gynecomastia Surgery is mostly performed a least invasive method where in the patient sees almost invisible scars. Liposuction is used in conjunction for better results. But in some cases where the size is too big or the boobs are hanging because of the over weight loss, a more invasive method Infra-mammary approach in which incision is given below the breast.

Surgical Treatment – Conventional method

Surgical Treatment – Conventional method

In the conventional method & most commonly used an incision is made around the areola and entire gland is removed though this incision. This is used when there is no sagging or no excision is required. The nerves and blood vessels are also removed. So this method is getting less and less popular. Though in some cases this needs to chosen invariably.

Other Aspects Of Gynecomastia Or Male Breast


The most important symptom is enlargement of male breast – especially the enlargement of the glandular tissue rather than fatty tissue. The same could be observed on both side or even one side. The same should be diagnosed & treated as early as possible.


The spectrum of gynecomastia severity has been categorized into a grading system:

  • Grade I: Minor enlargement, no skin excess
  • Grade II: Moderate enlargement, no skin excess
  • Grade III: Moderate enlargement, skin excess
  • Grade IV: Marked enlargement, skin excess

Gynecomastia is generally not physcially harmful but more devastating psychological consequenses like low self-esteem or shame for sufferers. One must know that weight loss cannot reduce the glandular component so treatment is a must. In rare cases, it could also be indicator of underlying condition like testicular cancer.


Gynecomastia or male breasts are becoming more and more prevalent in all age groups especially Senile gynecomastia is estimated to be present in 24-65% of men between the ages of fifty and eighty. Breast reduction surgeries to correct gynecomastia are becoming increasingly common. There are many approaches to the treatment of the male breasts.

Before, During & After The Gynecomastia Surgery


Our eminent cosmetic surgeons identify the Gynecomastia through the physical diagnosis of breast that includes its tenderness, hardness, shape, volume and size of abnormal breast. Clinical tests such as hormonal levels, ultrasound diagnoses confirm the exact cause. This could also be related to sexual dysfunction.


Depending upon the type of procedure decided, the surgery is performed under local or general anaesthesia. In most of the cases the surgery is performed on out patient basis which means the discharge normally happens the same day. The procedure takes 2-3 hours in total and is relatively simple with a short recovery period. All the instructions are given to make sure the recovery period is hassle free.


One should not do any exercise involving muscular force post surgery. Our Plastic surgeons at AK Clinics will advise you regarding the exercise that can be done after few weeks of surgery beginning from very light exercises. Medicines should be taken as prescribed and follow up diagnosis and treatment is necessary for the best results.

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AK Clinics takes pride in providing expert counseling for both hair and skin services, guided by our team of seasoned professionals, ensuring that your unique needs and concerns are addressed with the highest level of care and expertise.

Questions Asked By The Patients


What Is The Role Of Testosterone In Gynecomastia?

Testosterone is a male sex hormone or androgen. Deficiency of testosterone hormone causes this condition in males in older ages.

What Is Right Time Of Surgery?

It depends upon individual’s choice but when someone feels that he really has problem with large breast such as low self confidence, inferiority complex, shyness he should decide for breast reduction surgery.

What Exactly Is Gynecomastia?

When breast of man becomes large enough with looks like that of women then this physical abnormality is defined as Gynecomastia in medical terminology. The mammary glands have stroma and ductal parts. Proliferation of tissues and accumulation of fats results in this condition.

Is There Any Need Of Liposuction In Breast Reduction Surgery?

In some cases where fats and lipid accumulated in tissues are very large it is very essential to remove the fat through liposuction to have more masculine breast with better results.

Is There Any Mark Or Scarring On The Breast After Surgery?

No, incision is drawn on joint of areola of nipple and normal skin.
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Our Infrastructure

AK Clinics, Delhi

M, 20, Hansraj Gupta Rd, near M Block Market, Greater Kailash-1, M Block, New Delhi, Delhi 110048


Our Success Stories


AK Clinics has a team of highly trained doctors & who are dedicated to field of hair restoration. The team is ably led by Dr. Kapil Dua MBBS, MS, along with Dr. Aman Dua, MBBS, MD and The team has permanent inhouse technicians who are well experienced.
The clinic has its own training program for new team members where they are trained over models for a minimum of 6 months before being allowed to work on patients. We have a seasoned team of hair transplant counselors.

Success Story Part 1………


Hair Transplant Result – 3100 Grafts BIO FUE Technique


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